How to set up and edit a review campaign
Review campaigns are ready to start sending by default - all you need to do is save your email message templates and you're good to start adding contacts into the system and sending them review requests. But...
We recommend you take a few minutes to customize your review campaign settings. This will help ensure better deliverability, contact engagement, and ultimately more reviews.
When you create a new review profile you'll be taken to the rating & feedback form settings, and when you click the "Save Profile" button you'll be taken to the review campaign settings section on the bottom half of the page.
If you previously saved a review profile you can navigate to the campaign settings by going to Settings > Review Settings > Review Profiles, and in the "Edit Review Campaign" column click the pencil icon for the applicable review profile.
Parts of the review campaign settings
Here's an explanation of each part of the campaign settings:
1. Send Messages From: By default your "from" email name (the name that recipients see when receiving your emails) will be what you entered for your Company Name on the Company Information page, and no phone number will be assigned to your account. Click the pencil icon and a modal will appear where you can:
- Change the "From Name".
- Generate DNS records to install on your domain host so that you can use your own email address as the sending email (ex: vs.
- Set a "Reply-To" email address so if your contacts reply to any of your review request emails you'll receive the reply.
- Add a phone number to the review profile so you can request reviews via text message.
- Add a "Reply-To" phone number so that if your contacts reply to any of your text messages you'll receive the reply.
2. Send Messages On: Uncheck any days of the week that you don't want review request messages to be sent. You can also check "Use contact's time zone" to send messages based on each contact's time zone (as opposed to the review profile's time zone):
3. Time Zone: Here you can set the time zone for the review profile. All campaign messages will be sent out according to this time zone by default.
4. Send Limit: Many review sites penalize you and automatically delete new reviews if you get too many reviews in a short period of time. The "Send Limit" setting controls the maximum number of contacts that are added to the campaign each day so that you don't get too many reviews at once (which is especially helpful if you don't add your contacts into the system every day). We typically recommend setting this to the average number of customers you serve each day. So if you serve an average of 30 customers per day then we recommend setting this to "30".
5. Frequency Restriction: This setting prevents the same contacts from being added to a review campaign repeatedly during the designated time period. For example, if you have contacts that you serve weekly, you may not want them to be added to a review campaign each week, so you could set the frequency restriction to "180" days so they only receive review request messages up to twice each year.
6. Main Campaign Message List: Your campaign comes pre-populated with both email and text message templates. You must click the "Save Message" button to the right of the message template for each message in order to "publish" the message and make it so your contacts can receive that message. When you save & publish a message, its outline will turn from orange to green in the campaign message list.
This is one of the most important parts of setting up your campaign for success, so be sure to read this article about editing & publishing campaign messages for more details.
Campaigns automatically stop sending messages to a contact when the contact submits their rating on the rating & feedback form. If the contact doesn't click through to a review site after that then the campaign will automatically start sending them the messages in the "Review Reminders" campaign message list.
7. Review Reminder Campaign Message List: Review reminder messages are sent to contacts who submitted a rating at or above the "Rating Threshold" (as set in the rating & feedback form settings) but who didn't click a review site link to post a review on a 3rd-party review site.
The default review reminder email templates include your review site links, and the default review reminder text message templates include a link to the Threshold+ rating page of the rating & feedback form. Review reminder messages are not sent out if no review site links are visible on your Threshold + rating page.
Note that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and many review sites require you to treat all reviewers the same, so if you use Review Reminders you'll want to make sure that "Rating Threshold" is set to "0+" so that everyone, regardless of their rating, is eligible to be reminded to write a review.
8. Message Editor: Click any message from the list of message templates on the left, and its content will load in the center area where you can edit the message template. Be sure to click the "Save Message" button on the right side after you make any changes.
IMPORTANT: Your message templates contain dynamic placeholders, which can be easily identified because they have [brackets] around them (examples include: [rate_us_button]
and [landing_page_short_url]
). DO NOT EDIT these placeholders - just leave them as they are. If you edit them then the system won't be able to populate them when it sends messages to your contacts.
After you make changes to your campaign settings, be sure to click the "Save Campaign" button in the upper right.
You can also click the dropdown arrow for the "Save Campaign" button to see options to return to the review profile list and reset campaign message templates.