How to add and manage a review profile
A review profile typically represents a physical location of your business (for local businesses), a product (for e-commerce businesses), or an individual provider at your business (for example if you want to get reviews for each doctor at your medical practice or for each attorney in your law firm).
To add a review profile, go to Settings > Review Settings > Review Profiles and click the "New Review Profile" button at the top of the page.
When you do this you'll be taken to the rating & feedback form settings. For details on how to customize these settings, check out our article on setting up a rating & feedback form.
After you set up your rating & feedback form, you'll set up your review campaign. For details on how to do that, check out our article on how to set up and edit a review campaign.
Once you've set up a review profile you can start adding contacts into the system and getting reviews.