
Reports Overview

How to use reports in ReputationStacker

ReputationStacker's reports make it easy to:

  • See trends over time
  • Compare review profiles to each other
  • Compare review attributes using review tags

Let's take a look at the different types of reports...


Net Promoter Score & 1st-Party Ratings Report

Net Promoter Score ("NPS") is a measurement to gauge customer loyalty & satisfaction. It is widely considered a strong indicator of overall customer experience and business health.

Using 0-10 scale ratings that your contacts have provided on your rating & feedback form, respondents are categorized as "Promoters" (9-10 rating), "Passives" (7-8 rating) or "Detractors" (0-6 rating). The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the % of detractors from the % of promoters. The score can range from -100 to 100.



Different industries have different NPS averages, but broadly speaking a score above 0 is considered good, above 30 is strong, above 50 is excellent, and above 70 is exceptional. An NPS below 0 means you've got some work to do to create a better customer experience.

To see the rating details, click  on the respondents/rating dropdown below the Net Promoter Score gauge:

This will open a chart that shows the % of respondents and how many of them rated each rating (0-10):



Reviews Reports

Scroll down to see the reviews report. This shows:

  • How many reviews you've received and on which review sites
  • Your average star rating (note that 1st-party 0-10 ratings are converted to the 5-star scale for this)
  • The total review count
  • The volume of new reviews you've received



Settings & Filters

At the top of the page you'll find a few different options:

1. Review Profile SelectionReports display data from all of your review profiles by default, but you can click the dropdown to select a single review profile:



2. Monthly SummaryData in the graphs is meant to help you spot trends. Because of this, ReputationStacker defaults to showing monthly summaries for date ranges longer than 30 days. This smooths out daily variances so it's easier to get a big picture of what's going on. You can toggle the "Monthly Summary" setting on and off:



3. Filters: Click on filters to apply a filter, edit a filter or create a new filter. When creating or editing a filter, you can add conditions to the "ALL" section at the top (meaning that all of those conditions must be met for results to be displayed) and/or to the "ANY" section below that (meaning that results that meet any of those conditions will be displayed):



You can name the filter and choose which users have access to the filter using the "Visible to" dropdown. After you save a filter it will appear in the filters list. You can favorite a filter by hovering over it and clicking the star iconedit it by clicking the pencil icon, and remove any filter that has been applied by clicking the "Remove Filter" button:


4. ComparisonsThere are three different types of comparison reports. You can compare:

  • The selected review profile to other review profiles: The most common use of this is to compare locations of your business to each other.
  • The selected review profile to its previous data: This is useful for seeing how you're performing currently compared to the past.
  • Review tags within this profile: Comparing review tags is often overlooked, but can provide a ton of insight. For example, a spa may compare reviews tagged "massage" vs. reviews tagged "facial". In this way they can see how each service is performing against the other. Of course to compare tags you'll first need to set up tags.


5. Date Ranges: The date range selector defaults to 90 days. Click on it to choose another set period of time, or designate a specific date range by clicking on the calendar:



Using ReputationStacker to get more reviews is great, but don't ignore the immense value of ReputationStacker reports to spot trends in your business that you can use to improve the customer experience!