How to respond to reviews
Responding to your reviews (all reviews, not just negative ones) is an important part of reputation management.
Not only does it show your customers that you care, review responses also:
- Improve the customer experience
- Help you rank better in search engine results
- Start conversations that lead to deeper insights into your business
You can respond to all 1st-party reviews and to Google & Facebook reviews (from connected accounts) on the "Reviews" page:
Public Review Responses
Public responses will appear in the Review Feed and as responses to reviews in connected Google & Facebook accounts. Click the "Public" button to open up the response modal:
Click the "Send" button to post your response.
You can edit or delete a public response by clicking the "Public" button again to re-open the response modal.
IMPORTANT: A public response to a 1st-party review does not get sent to the contact - it simply gets posted as a response to the review on your Review Feed. If you also want to send your response to the contact then you'll want to send them a private response (see the "Private Review Responses" section below for how to do that) in addition to posting your public response.
Note that when you edit a Facebook review response in ReputationStacker, instead of editing your original response it will post an additional response, but you can delete your original response by going into your Facebook account and deleting the response directly from there. Google does not have this issue.
If you click the "Public" response button for a 3rd-party review that wasn't posted to a connected Google or Facebook account then the system will open up the 3rd-party review site in a new browser tab so you can login and post your response directly on that site. Within a few days ReputationStacker will detect your response on the 3rd-party review site and include it in the review record on the "Reviews" page as well as in your Review Feed.
Private Review Responses
If a contact has an email address in their record then you can respond privately to contacts who posted 1st-party reviews by clicking the "Private" button. This will open up a modal to compose your private response.
Please note that if the contact only has a phone number in the system (no email address) then the "Private" response button is not visible.
After you've posted a public or private response, you'll see a checkbox next to the respective button:
PRO-TIP: Apply a filter (at the top of the "Reviews" page) to quickly find reviews that you haven't responded to yet. In this way you can easily make sure that no reviewer slips through the cracks!