
Contacts Page Overview

How to manage your contacts

When you add contacts into the system, they're stored on the "Contacts" page.

You typically don't need to spend much time on the "Contacts" page, but it's still good to be familiar with your options here...


Parts of the "Contacts" page

Here's an explanation of each part of the "Contacts" page:



1. Contacts Table: Any contact you add into the system will appear in this table. If you click the checkbox in the first column to the left of the "Contact Name", you'll open the bulk edit menu on the right side of the page. You can also click the header row checkbox to select (or deselect) all contacts:



The bulk edit menu allows you to perform a variety of bulk actions including bulk edits, adding contacts to review profile campaigns, excluding them from campaigns, and deleting them.


2. Alphabetical Name Filter: Click any of the letters at the top of the table to filter contact names by first letter.


3. Filters: Click here to apply a filter, edit a filter or create a new filter for the contacts table. When creating or editing a filter, you can add conditions to the "ALL" section at the top (meaning that all of those conditions must be met for results to be displayed) and/or to the "ANY" section below that (meaning that results that meet any of those conditions will be displayed):


You can name the filter and choose which users have access to the filter using the "Visibility" dropdown. After you save a filter it will appear in the filters list. You can favorite a filter by hovering over it and clicking the star icon, edit it by clicking the pencil icon, and remove any filter that has been applied by clicking the "Remove Filter" button:



4. "New Contact" Button: Click this button to add contacts one-at-a-time. For other ways to add contacts, check out this article about how to add contacts into the system.


5. Table Settings: Click the gear icon to select which columns to display in the contacts table.