
Auto-Review Sharing on Social Media

How to share your reviews on social media channels

ReputationStacker can automatically share new reviews as posts on your Google Business, Facebook and/or Instagram pages with the Auto-Review Sharing feature.

To access it go to Settings > Review Settings > Auto-Review Sharing.

In order to auto-share your reviews, you'll first need to select a review profile from the dropdown at the top:



Next click a social channel to connect to it:



This will either open up a new browser tab or a pop-up window in your browser.

If nothing happens when you click the social channel name it most likely means that you have pop-ups blocked in your browser settings. Here's how to turn off pop-up blockers on the most popular desktop browsers:


Google Chrome Microsoft Edge
1. Click  in the top right 1. Click ••• in the top right
2. Click Settings 2. Click Settings
3. Click Privacy & Security 3. Click Cookies & Site Permissions
4. Click Site Settings 4. Click Pop-ups and Redirects
5. Click Pop-ups & Redirects 5. Toggle the Block switch to Allow
6. Toggle to allow pop-ups  
Safari Firefox
1. Click Safari in top menu 1. Click  in the top right
2. Click Settings 2. Click Settings
3. Click the Websites tab 3. Click Privacy & Security
4. Click Pop-up Windows 4. Uncheck Block Pop-Ups
5. Click Allow in dropdown  


If you turned off your pop-up blocker and you still can't get the pop-up window to appear, you most likely have a pop-up-blocker extension or an ad-blocker extension. You can go through your extensions and try turning them off, or you can open up an incognito browser window, login to ReputationStacker and try again (incognito mode disables most extensions by default).

Moving right along...

In the new browser tab or pop-up window that appears, first sign-in to Google, Facebook or Instagram (if you're not already signed in), then click the permission settings to allow ReputationStacker to connect to your account.

You'll then be returned to your ReputationStacker settings where you'll select the Google, Facebook or Instagram business listing that you want to connect to:



You'll now see that you've successfully set up the connection:



You can repeat the process for any other social channel you'd like to share your reviews on, as well as adjust the settings below these that further determine which reviews to share and how to share them:



The right side of the page shows you an example of how your posts will appear:



Below the image preview you'll find a text box where you can customize the text that's included in the post:



And below that you'll see that there are multiple post backgrounds you can edit:



Click the checkbox of a background to include it in the backgrounds that will be used (in random order) for auto-review sharing. Uncheck (or delete) any backgrounds you do not want to use. 

You can customize any background by clicking its editor settings, and you'll see the preview update as you edit the background.

IMPORTANT: Once you've made all of your changes to your Auto-Review Sharing settings, be sure to scroll to the top of the page and click the "Save Settings" button to save any changes you've made.

Repeat this process for any other review profiles on which you want to share your reviews on social media.